Looking for local artwork or curios to serve as the perfect souvenir to your beach escapade? The most popular shopping spots are the iconic malecón (boardwalk) in Puerto Peñasco’s Old Port and Calle 32, better known as “Rodeo Road.”

Vestiges of Rocky Point’s quaint fishing village past can be found in fish stalls lining the main street through the Old Port. The area is now home to several souvenir shops, restaurants for all budgets, and incredible tile art and monuments heralding the area’s dedication to the sea. Some of the most incredible treasures can also be found on the main road as you head out of the Old port.

Off the beaten path, the popular “Rodeo Road” showcases several galleries and more traditional folkart from all across Mexico, along with souvenir shops for all likes. Be sure to look for regional arts including carvings made from ironwood, along with shell-art. There are also some great shops with resort wear, silver from Taxco, and traditional clothing and pottery from across Mexico.